At open-source.page, our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for all things related to open source software. We believe that open source is the future of software development, and we are committed to promoting its use and adoption.

Our website serves as a hub for information, news, and resources related to open source. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the latest developments in the open source community, as well as practical advice and guidance for those looking to get involved.

We believe that open source is more than just a software development model – it is a philosophy that promotes collaboration, transparency, and innovation. By promoting open source, we hope to foster a more inclusive and equitable technology industry, where everyone has access to the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Whether you are a developer, a business owner, or simply someone interested in learning more about open source, we invite you to explore our website and join us in our mission to promote open source software.

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Open Source Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet is designed to provide an overview of the key concepts, topics, and categories related to open source software. Whether you are new to open source or looking to expand your knowledge, this cheat sheet will help you get started.

What is Open Source?

Open source refers to software that is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. This means that the source code for the software is openly available, allowing users to make changes and improvements to the software as needed.

Key Concepts

Source Code

Source code refers to the underlying code that makes up a software program. Open source software makes this code available for anyone to view and modify.


An open source license is a legal agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for using and distributing open source software. There are many different open source licenses, each with its own set of requirements and restrictions.


Open source software is often developed and maintained by a community of volunteers who contribute their time and expertise to the project.


Forking refers to the process of creating a new version of an open source project by copying the existing code and making changes to it. This allows developers to create their own versions of the software and make improvements as needed.


Open source software development often involves collaboration between multiple developers, who work together to improve the software and fix bugs.


Operating Systems

Open source operating systems, such as Linux, provide an alternative to proprietary operating systems like Windows and macOS. These operating systems are often more customizable and flexible than their proprietary counterparts.

Web Development

Open source web development tools, such as WordPress and Drupal, provide a platform for building and managing websites. These tools are often more affordable and customizable than proprietary web development tools.

Programming Languages

Many popular programming languages, such as Python and Ruby, are open source. This allows developers to use and modify these languages as needed, and to contribute to their ongoing development.


Open source databases, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, provide a powerful and flexible alternative to proprietary databases like Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.

Graphics and Design

Open source graphics and design tools, such as GIMP and Inkscape, provide a free and open alternative to proprietary tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

Office Productivity

Open source office productivity tools, such as LibreOffice and OpenOffice, provide a free and open alternative to proprietary tools like Microsoft Office.

Getting Started

If you are new to open source, there are a few key steps you can take to get started:

  1. Choose a project: Start by choosing an open source project that interests you. This could be a programming language, a web development tool, or any other type of open source software.

  2. Learn the basics: Take some time to learn the basics of the project you have chosen. This may involve reading documentation, watching tutorials, or joining a community forum.

  3. Contribute: Once you feel comfortable with the project, start contributing to its development. This could involve fixing bugs, adding new features, or simply helping to answer questions in the community forum.

  4. Join the community: Joining the open source community is a great way to learn from other developers and to contribute to the ongoing development of open source software.


Open source software provides a powerful and flexible alternative to proprietary software. By understanding the key concepts, categories, and steps for getting started with open source, you can begin to explore the many benefits of this exciting and rapidly growing field.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Open source: A software development model that allows the source code to be freely available and modifiable by anyone.
2. License: A legal agreement that governs the use, distribution, and modification of open source software.
3. GPL: General Public License, a popular open source license that requires any derivative works to also be released under the same license.
4. MIT License: A permissive open source license that allows for commercial use and modification of the software.
5. Apache License: A permissive open source license that allows for commercial use and modification of the software.
6. Creative Commons: A set of licenses that allow creators to share their work with others while retaining some rights.
7. Fork: A copy of a project that is modified and developed independently from the original.
8. Pull request: A proposed change to a project that is submitted for review and potential inclusion.
9. Repository: A location where the source code for a project is stored and managed.
10. Version control: A system for tracking changes to source code over time.
11. Git: A popular version control system used for managing open source projects.
12. GitHub: A web-based platform for hosting and collaborating on open source projects.
13. Bitbucket: A web-based platform for hosting and collaborating on open source projects.
14. SourceForge: A web-based platform for hosting and collaborating on open source projects.
15. Stack Overflow: A question and answer site for programmers.
16. Open source community: A group of people who contribute to and support open source projects.
17. Contributor: Someone who contributes to an open source project by submitting code, documentation, or other resources.
18. Maintainer: Someone who is responsible for managing and maintaining an open source project.
19. Bug: An error or flaw in software that causes it to behave unexpectedly.
20. Issue tracker: A system for tracking bugs and other issues in software.

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